Using the Toolbox
Getting Started | Matrix Representation | Function Hierarchy | CA: an application
RBN Overview
Using the Toolbox
Function Reference









CA: an application

The well-known Cellular Automaton (CA) proposed by John von Neumann in the late 1940's can be regarded as a subclass of Random Boolean Networks. In a CA a node only receives inputs from nodes in his local neighbourhood and each node has the same logic transition rule. It is therefore possible to simulate any CA with the RBN Toolbox just by defining the network's connections and rules accordingly.

Defining the Connection-Matrix for a CA

As the future state of a cell (node) only depends on the actual state of the cell and the states of its two adjacent cells, the Connection-Matrix is a band-matrix with exactly three entries per column. 
Let's create a Cellular Automaton with 90 cells in a ring-structure, that is, the first and the last cell of the array are connected.

>> A = ones(90,90); 
>> B = tril(A,-2); 
>> C = triu(A, 2); 
>> D = B + C; 
>> D(1,90) = 0; 
>> D(90,1) = 0; 
>> D(find(D == 1)) = 2 
>> D(find(D == 0)) = 1; 
>> D(find(D == 2)) = 0; 
>> conn = initConnections(D)

conn now contains the Connection-Matrix for a 90-cells-CA.

Defining the Rules-Matrix for a CA

The Rules-Matrix in our example will be a 2^3 x 90 matrix with identical columns (as each node has the same logic transition rule). Here the transition rule is defined as follows:

The logic transition rule for each cell 

State of neighbouring cell "on the left" State of cell itself State of neighbouring cell "on the right"  Next State
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1

The Rules-Matrix is therefore defined as follows:

>> for i=1:90 
>> rules(:,i) = [1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]'; 
>> end 
>> rules = initRules(rules);

Setting the initial states of the cells

In our example we want all cells to have their initial state set to 1, except for cell number 46, which is set to 0.

>> initialStates = ones(90,1); 
>> initialStates(46) = 0;

Creating the Node-Structure-Array and visualizing the topology

Before running the evolution, we have to create the Node-Structure-Array by calling some initialising functions with the previously prepared matrices as parameters.

>> node = initNodes(90,initialStates,zeros(90,1),zeros(90,1));
>> node = assocRules(node, rules)
>> node = assocNeighbours(node,conn);
>> node = displayTopology(node, conn, 'line');

As a result we get the visualization of the topology of our Cellular Automaton.

Displaying the evolution

Classically, in a CA all cells are updated at each time step, so the appropriate RBN update mode is cleary the CRBN update mode. The evolution of our CA over 90 discrete time-steps is launched with:

>> [node, tsm] = displayEvolution(node, 90, 'CRBN');

The visualization of the evolution yields a intricate nested pattern, which is typical for Cellular Automata ([B3]).


      Christian Schwarzer - EPFL